Website information

The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic (MoLSAF SR) is the central state administrative organ for social affairs. It discharges tasks in the area of employment relations including remuneration, compensation for expenditures related to job performance, minimum wage, collective bargaining and the creation and drawing of social funds, as well civil service relations.

The Ministry designs employment strategy proposals promoting employment and reducing unemployment, takes decisions in the area of social insurance, income replacement due to the temporary incapacity to work, old age pension saving, complementary pension saving, family policy and state social benefits, social services, support of the social inclusion of natural persons with severe disabilities, social inclusion and assistance in material need and the social legal protection of children and social guardianship, while also addressing policies regarding gender equality and equal opportunities.

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Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky
Špitálska 4, 6, 8
816 43 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 2 2046 0000
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